


DepressedAbout Depression


Depression can be defined as a: ‘Mental disorder characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy, with a despondent lack of activity’.

However, it is important to realize that while this definition is generally true, there are many different types of depression recognized by mental health care professionals. All of which have their similarities, as well as their differences, in terms of specific symptoms and causes.

Of course both men and women are susceptible to depression but research has shown that women are twice as likely to get it, which is thought to be caused by the hormonal changes they experience. Men and women show different symptoms in depression; women in general will become more tearful and detached, while men are usually more irritable, impatient, and likely to keep it to themselves.

Depression will affect every aspect of a person’s life to some degree. Their body, mind, and almost every thought they have can be affected, and it is not something that they can simply 'snap out of'. Without suitable treatment, the depression can last for months or years, with the severity ranging from mild to extreme.


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