What is it that makes some people withstand life's circumstances and resultant stress better than others around them? When you’ve been going through a difficult time with stress, staying positive can be very difficult.
However, by following a few simple tips, you will learn how to cope with your day to day life more easily. It helps to learn to put a positive spin on things and apply some positive-thinking methods to situations that come up.
Positive-thinking methods:
Create a Positive Environment
Being in a positive environment, whether at home or at work, will help you to maintain your positive outlook in life. If you disagree with someone, try to resolve it amicably, and try to learn from the experience. If things aren’t going your way, remember that it won’t last. Smile through it, even if you don’t feel like it, and you will bolster your self-confidence, happiness, motivation, and optimism.
Always Look on the Bright Side
Bad situations do not last forever; there is always a turning point when even the most distressing situation ends, and things start to get better. Think of things that will calm your mind instead of dwelling on the causes of your distress.
Know What You Want
Think hard about what it is that you really want in life. By making a list, and setting yourself goals, you can focus your efforts on achieving, or obtaining, the things that you desire the most. Without focus we tend to do things halfheartedly, only ever achieving mediocrity.
Practice the Habit of a Healthy Response
When dealing with all different kinds of people, you will have to handle all sorts of personalities, opinions, and reactions. Inevitably, you will encounter someone that you find unpleasant, and sometimes it is only natural to want to respond in a heated manner. If the person is truly offensive then the measured response may well be to give them a piece of your mind, but in most cases simply laughing it off is the best course of action.
When we’re not in the best of places mentally, sometimes the smallest things can push our buttons and send us into a rage. Be aware of your state of mind, and try not to over react.
Learn the Possible Obstacles That You Might Encounter
Whenever you strive for an achievement, it is inevitable that you will be faced with obstacles to overcome. Being as prepared as you can is important, and knowing the types of obstacles you are likely to face will give you the best chance of dealing with them, or avoiding them in the first place. Even so, having a contingency plan in case things do go wrong can be a valuable asset.
Be Responsible for Your Own Future
Never put yourself in the position where your future is in someone else’s hands. You must take charge of shaping your life, and it is not the responsibility of your parents, siblings, boss, or friends to do it for you. This is nothing to be afraid of, and it can be very empowering. So accept it wholeheartedly, and live the life you know you’re capable of.
Turn Failures into Opportunity
Failures don’t have to be all bad. If you learn by them, and use them as a springboard to another opportunity, you have a much greater chance of succeeding the next time around. So don’t give up on something just because you’ve hit a bump in the road, try again and again… and again!!!! Just keep on going.
Thirty more vital ways of thinking positively can be found in our guide:
‘30 Essential Tips on Being Positive – For Stress’, which is included in our Expert-Help Pack: How to Crush Stress... Completely! Professional guidance to get you back to yourself again.